New Patient Chiropractic Consultation - Part 1 - £22.50
Appointment price £45.00 -
Please note that £22.50 non-refundable deposit taken for new patient bookings.
There are two parts to our new patient appointments. Part one consists of case and medical/health history discussion followed by a thorough physical examination.
At the end of part one the practitioner will analyse their information/findings and formalise a diagnosis and appropriate plan of management/treatment in readiness for part two.
New Patient Chiropractic Appointment - Part 2
This appointment forms the second part of the new patient consultation and is a report of the findings from part one.
The first chiropractic adjustment/treatment (if appropriate) follows the report of findings within this session.
The practitioner requires at least 24 hours between the two new patient appointment sessions to analyse relevant information.
Chiropractic - Follow Up Appointment
(20-minute chiropractic follow-up appointment are designed to check in on patient’s progress, adjust their treatment as needed, and address any ongoing or new issues)
Chiropractic - Reassessment or New Complaint - Appointment
For existing patients only
Re-assessments are done for all patients who have not attended the clinic between 12months to 5 years. After 5 years patients are required to become a renewed new patient.
New Patient Podiatry Appointment
Podiatry Follow Up Appointment
For existing patients only
Podiatry - Nails Only Appointment
For existing patients only
New Patient - Foot Health Practitioner
Follow Up Appointment - Foot Health Practitioner
Nails Only - Foot Health Practitioner
Sports Full Body Massage
Sports Back Session Massage
Sports Leg Massage
Swedish Full Body Massage Appointment
A Swedish full body massage is a massage that covers the entire body, typically using a combination of techniques to relax muscles, relieve tension, and improve blood flow
Swedish Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage Appointment
A Swedish back, neck, and shoulder massage is a traditional massage that uses specific oils and pressure to help relieve tension and soothe sore muscles in the back, neck, and shoulders. The massage can also help improve circulation, remove lactic acid from muscles, and promote relaxation
Swedish Back, Neck & Shoulder with Express Cleanse and Face Massage
Lymphatic drainage express face Massage ( with full cleanse & steam )
Swedish Back, Neck & Shoulder with Swedish Leg
Swedish Leg Massage
For existing patients only
Promotional Offer ! Reflexology - New Patient Appointment
Promotional Offer - Reflexology - Follow Up Appointment
For existing patients only
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You will receive an appointment confirmation email with details of your booking. We look forward to seeing you in the clinic.
Important notice about your appointment
Before your appointment, please fill in the form below ready for when you arrive